Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Meditation for Holy Wednesday Vespers


Jesu Juva

Holy Wednesday Meditation

Text: Romans 5:6-11


Who would you die for? A family member or loved one? Maybe. Someone who risked their life for you? Perhaps. A stranger? Probably not. Someone who hurt you or a loved one? Absolutely not! But whoever it is, that’s a big ask. Who would you die for?

That’s what makes tonight’s Word of God and what Jesus did so incredible. Christ died for the weak, the ungodly, sinners, and enemies. Christ died for those who wanted nothing to do with Him. Christ died for those who rebelled against Him. Christ died for those who actively worked against Him and even those who put Him on trial. He died for the false witnesses who testified lies against Him, for the soldiers who mistreated Him, and the soldiers who pounded the nails through His holy hands and feet. That’s who Jesus died for. Oh, and included in that list and those descriptions: you and me. So when you want to know - need to know! - that God loves you . . . that’s how you know. As Paul said: God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

But Jesus didn’t just die for us, He then rose from the dead for us. Jesus also lives for us, to take of us and provide all we need. Like a faithful spouse. Traditionally, when a man and woman get married, it is til death us do part. They promise to love and sacrifice and care for each other no matter what, until they die. Because that’s what love does - it puts the other person first. Which is what Jesus did for you. Your welfare before His own, so He goes to the cross and dies for you. Because in the Bible, Jesus is the Bridegroom and the Church is His Bride. A weak, ungodly, sinful, and rebellious Bride! But God shows his love for us - even for His not-so-beautiful Bride! - in that while we were not very beautiful, Christ died for us. To not only make us His own, but to make us beautiful by washing away our sins and cleansing us with His forgiveness.

But with his resurrection from the dead, do you see what has happened? Til death us do part is off the table because Jesus defeated death in His resurrection! So as Paul will proclaim just a few chapters after this, nothing can now separate us from the love of our Bridegroom - ever! He has saved us not only for life with Him now, but for life with him forever. 

So on the first three nights of this Holy Week, we have encountered three women. First was Mary on Monday, as we remembered the Annunciation of Our Lord, the day the Word became flesh in the womb of the virgin Mary. When in the fullness of time, He came to die for His Bride. 

Then on Tuesday, we heard of the woman who anointed Jesus for His burial, for Jesus was about to lay down His life for His Bride. 

And tonight, we heard of the love of Christ for His Bride, the Church. That the Son of God who took on our flesh, died to justify us and cleanse us, and then He rose that we, too, will rise to life with Him forever. 

And starting tomorrow night, we will again live all that as we enter the Sacred Triduum - the holy three days. And we will marvel at His love for us. His incredible, steadfast, abundant love for us. And if you think the joy of Easter at the end of those three days is great, just imagine how great our joy will be on the great and final Easter, when Jesus comes again to raise us from the dead and take us home, to a life and joy that has no end. I hope you’ll join us. 

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