Sunday, November 3, 2024

Sermon for the Feast of All Saints


Jesu Juva

“A Place for All the Saints”

Text: Revelation 7:2-17; Matthew 5:1-12; 1 John 3:1-3


Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father, and from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

No more hunger. No more thirst. No more scorching heat. Springs of living water. No more tears. 

It sounds a little like all the promises we’ve been hearing for the past few months! Everything will be great. You’ll have all you need and want. No more heat upon you from others. Everyone will be happy. If you just elect ______________ (fill in the blank).

And all the crowds shout: Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our candidate forever and ever!

But, of course, it won’t be like that, no matter who is elected. Sin will go on. It might look different, things might sounds different, but one thing you know about sinners: they gonna sin. It’s what we do. We break promises. We hurt others. We hurt ourselves. So there will always be hunger, thirst, heat, and tears. Not by God’s design, but because of our sin. 

This world will never be a utopia. Which, ironically, is exactly what that word means. I just started reading a book that explained that. That the word utopia is made up of two Greek words - ou, meaning no; and topos, meaning place. So, utopia is literally: no place. Nowhere.

And yet today, All Saints Day, we declare there is such a place. Not here. Not yet. But there was, and there will be. There was, in the beginning, when God created everything perfect and good, and before our sin ruined it. And there will be again, when God re-creates everything perfect and good again. A new heavens and a new earth. Not a utopia; not a no place. But a place. Where the dwelling of God is with man, and man with God. No more separation caused by sin, because there will be no more sin. Or death. Or tears. Only life. As it was meant to be.

This is what God has desired all along. This is the way He made us. To have life with Him. And then we decided that wasn’t good enough. We wanted more. And when Adam and Eve reached for more, they got more alright! But not the more they thought they were getting! They got more pain, more tears; trials and trouble, and death.

But still God desired to dwell with man. He did not give up on us. It could no longer be the way it used to be. Now as fallen, sinful beings, for God to dwell with us as He did in the beginning would only bring our destruction. So it would now have to be different. So God now hides Himself in order to dwell with us. In clouds. In burning bushes. In Tabernacles and Temples. Until He did His greatest work, and came to us hiding in our own flesh and blood. Jesus, Immanuel, God, the blessed one, and the source of all blessing, God with us. Not just to save us, although yes, that. But not just save the old creation, but re-new us; make us new creations. Undo what we did. So that as it was in the beginning, it could - and would - be again.

Jesus came to do that, and to show us what such a life looks like. What it means to be blessed. He hungered and thirsted for righteousness - our righteousness. He was meek and merciful, pure in heart, a peacemaker. And for all this He was reviled and persecuted and had all kinds of evil spoken against Him, culminating in His reviling, accusations of evil, and crucifixion on the cross. When once again a tree ended the dwelling of God with us.

Except this time, it really didn’t! This time, just as a tree in the Garden once overcame us, a tree saved us. Jesus’ tree. The tree once stained by His blood, but which led to His resurrection. That His blood be for us the cleansing we need, when in baptism He washes us clean from our trespasses and sins and makes us children of God. And so we are, John goes on to say. We are, though what we will be has not yet appeared. That is, just as the Son of God was hidden in human flesh and blood, so are we children of God in this world and life. Hidden. We’re subject to the same troubles and struggles as everyone else. But with this difference . . . we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is. Then we will see and be seen, and what was hidden now revealed for all to see. 

And what will we see? A great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands

A great multitude. Which is great to hear, comforting, because being a Christian, as many of you know, can be very lonely. Great multitudes of Christians seem to be less and less these days. A prominent Lutheran theologian once called Christianity The Lonely Way. Lonely at work, at school, in your neighborhood, maybe even in your own family. Others not sharing your beliefs but scoffing at them. And it’s easy to feel vastly outnumbered in this world where so many are rushing at increasing speed away from the Christian truth. But the good news is this: one God dwelling with you is more than a great multitude against you

So though perhaps lonely now, there is a great multitude that belongs to Christ, and you among them. You, for you have washed your robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. You, for your hope is in the Lord, and everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure. All Saints Day means you are not alone and never will be. You are part of the Body of Christ, one flesh with your Saviour and with your fellow believers. 

So not what can be seen or felt defines you - your faith does. Your saint-creating, life-sustaining, forgiveness-receiving, faith. Faith that receives the gifts of God and makes them your own. So while it has become fashionable these days to define yourself, name yourself, identify yourself, far better is to receive the name and identity given you by God Himself: child of God, and saint.

And blessed with such an identity and life, you can live accordingly. A blessed life. A saintly life, we could even say. The life Christ lived, and as we heard today. Not, though, as what you have to do to be blessed, but because you are blessed. God has already promised you all the blessings we heard today in those verses from Matthew, the Beatitudes. So you’re not doing those things in order that God may bless you, as if you are earning those blessings. Rather, you’re doing those things because you are blessed. These are the things that make your blessedness visible.

So according to Jesus, what does a saint look like? What does blessed look like? It looks like this: poor in spirit, meek, mourning, hungering and thirsting for righteousness, merciful, pure in heart, peacemakers, and persecuted. Maybe not how you think of a blessed life! Certainly not what the world would consider blessed! But should we not expect a different view from a world rushing at increasing speed away from the Christian truth? It is, in fact, when the Church - or us Christians - look and sound and align with the world that should be a warning sign to us, to return to the Scriptures, to repent and return to Christ, the source of every blessing. To return to Him here at the altar and receive His Body and Blood hidden in bread and wine. And thus holied, sainted, raised, and forgiven, live blessed! Live this blessed life we’ve been blessed with.

Live this life until we join with that great multitude coming out of the great tribulation; coming out of the trials and troubles, the struggles and persecution of this world, and take our place before the throne of God. We remember today those who have done so this year - from our congregation, from our families. We mourn our loss and rejoice in their gain. God kept His baptismal promises to them and took them home. That great multitude got a little bigger. And for that we give thanks.

And we give thanks for the multitude that is gathered here today. The visible multitude isn’t so big. But the invisible multitude is! And unseen doesn’t mean unreal. The angels and archangels and all the company of heaven. We confess their presence because it is very much real. Here, around Christ, we take our place with them. With all the saints. The Lamb in the midst of the throne is their Shepherd; the Lamb on the altar is ours.But it’s the same Lord, tending His flock, losing none that belong to Him. That All the Saints find their rest in Him. 

So whatever happens on Tuesday, whoever gets elected, lift up your hearts to the one making all things new. Lift up your minds to the truth of His Word. And lift up your faith to the promises that will never let you down. The promises not of a politician, but of a Saviour. Of God Himself. Who does not promise a utopia, a no place, but promises you a place - a place with Him, and with All the Saints, forever. 

In the Name of the Father, and of the (+) Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thursday, October 31, 2024

The Congregation at Prayer

For the Week of Pentecost 24 (November 4-9, 2024)

Invocation: In the Name of the Father and of the (+) Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Speak the Apostles’ Creed. 

Verse: Psalm 146:5 – ”Blessèd is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God.”

Hymn of the Week:  Lutheran Service Book #787 “The Temple Rang with Golden Coins”

Hymns for Sunday: 730, 787, 628, 855 (v. 2 - special), 738, 732

Readings for the Week: [The readings for Thursday-Saturday are the Scriptures for this coming Sunday.]

Monday: Psalm 146

What does the Lord do for those who hope in Him? How is this more than any man can do? What can men do? What can they not do? What do we need? So to whom shall we look?

Tuesday: Isaiah 51:9-16

Do we sometimes” forget the Lord, our Maker?” Why? Why is this foolish? What comfort do we miss? What joy?

Wednesday: Matthew 9:18-26

Is there anything Jesus cannot heal? Why? But what do we need even more than healing? How did Jesus provide that for us?

Thursday: 1 Kings 17:8–16

Why would the Lord have Elijah ask a poor widow for so much? How did the Lord bless her? How does the Lord give far more than we could ever give?

Friday: Hebrews 9:24–28

What did Jesus, your high priest, do for you? What is He still doing for you? What is He going to do for you in the future?

Saturday: Mark 12:38–44

How does the Lord see people and regard offerings differently than we do? What can we learn from this?

The Catechism - Confession: What do you believe according to these words? I believe that when the called ministers of Christ deal with us by His divine command, in particular when they exclude openly unrepentant sinners from the Christian congregation and absolve those who repent of their sins and want to do better, this is just as valid and certain, even in heaven, as if Christ our dear Lord dealt with us Himself.

Collect for the Week: Almighty and ever-living God, You have given exceedingly great and precious promises to those who trust in You. Grant us so firmly to believe in Your Son Jesus that our faith may never be found wanting; through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen

The Prayers:  Please pray for . . .

+ yourself and for all in need (remembering especially those on our prayer list).

+ God’s blessing, wisdom, and guidance for our congregational president, Pete Brondos.

+ the Lutheran Mission in Africa (Rwanda), for God’s wisdom, blessing, guidance, and provision.

+ God’s blessing, guidance, and provision for our Synod’s Board for International Mission.

Conclude with the Lord’s Prayer and Luther’s Morning or Evening Prayer from the Catechism.

Now joyfully go about your day (or to bed) in good cheer, child of God!

Collect for the Week © 2018 Concordia Publishing House.

Lutheran Service Book Hymn License: 110019268

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Sermon for the Festival of the Reformation


Jesu Juva

“No Fear When God Gives Himself to You”

Text: Revelation 14:6-7; Romans 3:19-28; John 8:31-36; Psalm 46


Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father, and from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.

What is the worst thing in this world? What is the worst thing that could happen in this world? What do you fear the most in this world? 

We all have little fears . . . losing a boyfriend or girlfriend, failing a test, messing up at work. And these are our own. But there are bigger fears, too. And these are shared by many.

Like, people losing their minds over next week’s election. Both sides stirring up fear if the wrong candidate gets elected as our next president. 

You’ve also heard the fear that the war in the Middle East, or the war in Ukraine, or an upcoming war for Taiwan might escalate into World War III or a nuclear holocaust. 

We were told to fear Helene and Milton. Storm surge, flooding, tornadoes, devastation. We’ve seen the pictures from the Carolinas and Florida. They’re frightening. It looks very much, in fact, like what Psalm 46 was describing - the earth giving way; mountains moving and the waters roaring and foaming.

We fear crime. We fear losing our jobs, our homes. Buy a generator, stock up on food and water, arm yourself. Fear covid, or the next covid variant, or the next pandemic-causing virus coming down the pike. 

There is certainly no shortage of things to fear in this world. Big things. And I’m sure you could add more things to this list.

But there is something worse than all this. Worse than politics, worse than war, worse than natural disasters, worse than food shortages, worse than disease or nakedness or poverty. It simply does not get worse or more desperate in this life than a person who does not know his Saviour; who does not know that she has a gracious, loving, giving God.

Now maybe you disagree with me about that. I’m a pastor, after all, so I have to say that, right? But maybe I’m right. And maybe that little nagging voice in your head is telling you I’m right. That you’ve been fearing the wrong things. That you’ve been loving the wrong things. That you’ve been trusting the wrong things. Things that are of this world, not of eternity. This world that is passing away. This world that is constantly changing. That’s been your focus instead of the changeless one, the eternal one. And therefore, fear

But the reading from Revelation that we heard today is to give us hope. To direct our hearts and minds back to the one who is greater than all; greater than whatever it is you fear. 

Chapter 13 of Revelation, just before our reading for today, describes two beasts, servants of the dragon, satan, unleashing persecution on Christians. I didn’t mention that before; and maybe that is something you fear - persecution. At the beginning of chapter 14, though, we are given a vision of the Church Triumphant. That all who belong to the Lamb, who belong to Jesus, are safe. All of them. Every single one known and counted. Neither the dragon nor his beasts could have them. And never will.

But that’s not us, yet. We’re still here. In the Church Militant. So to us, three angels are sent to announce the defeat of the dragon and his beasts. And the first angel’s message is the one we heard today; a message for all who dwell on earth, to every nation and tribe and language and people. And his message is this: Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come, and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water.

So he says first, fear God. If you are going to fear anyone or anything thing, don’t let it be one of the things that are less than Him! Fear Him! The one who is over all. And second, he says, give Him glory. I think it’s important that those two things are put together and are not separate. Because to fear God is to give Him glory. It is to acknowledge Him as the one above all. The one who holds all things in His hands - not just the present, but the past and the future. There is nothing above Him or equal to Him. Nothing that can overthrow Him. He is the Almighty. Fear Him and give Him glory . . .

Because the hour of His judgment has come.

Now maybe that statement makes you fear! The thought of death and Judgment Day. The thought that I’m going to be on trial! And our guilty consciences fear. I know my sin, and so I know what the judgment against me should be . . . 

But that statement is not meant to make you fear. Because in this context, the judgment is on the dragon, the beasts, and those who follow him. This is a proclamation of good news! That all the evil and wickedness and sin and turmoil that causes us fear will one day end. There is an hour, a time, a day, already chosen. These things may all be greater than us, but they are not greater than our Lord. And as I said a couple of weeks ago, just as satan and his angels were cast down from heaven to the earth, so the day is coming when they will be cast down from the earth into the abyss, once and for all. And the hour for that is coming. It. Will. Be. We may wish it to come sooner - and maybe it will be soon! But that’s not up to us. Our Lord has His time. And it is the right time. 

And we know this because our Lord has already shown us. Satan tried to make his hour and his judgment come, avenging his casting down by casting Jesus into death and the grave. And it worked! . . . for a few hours. But when Jesus rose from death and the tomb was empty, the victory was won. So while it is true, as Paul wrote and as we heard again today, that all have sinned - we have sinned - and fall short of the glory of God, and deserve judgment and casting down ourselves, we will not be. For this is true as well, that we are justified - made right, raised up - by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus

So in Christ Jesus, we need not fear Judgment Day. The Son has set us free. So we are free indeed. Free from fear, from from judgment, free to live. For when you are baptized into Jesus, your Judgment Day happened some 2,000 years ago when Jesus took your sins - all of them - and was judged for them; condemned for them. That’s done. That water, filled with the words and promises of God, washed you clean with His forgiveness, put God’s name on you, and made you His. Your judgment is done. The verdict is in. You are free.

Free now, as the angel in Revelation said, to worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water

Now, the angel already said to fear God and give Him glory, so to worship Him means something different than that. And it’s not just that God is the Almighty, though He is that. Maybe the clue here is in the words themselves, the creation of heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water. For why did God create these? He didn’t need them. They are for you. They are gifts for you. And the highest worship of God is to receive His gifts. To acknowledge Him as the giver, to receive His gifts with joy, and to give thanks for them. For this gives Him joy. How do you feel when someone despises a gift you give them? Not good, right? But when they are filled with joy, so are you.

But let me circle back to the beginning of this sermon . . . if our greatest fear should not be the things of this world and life, but not knowing and having our Saviour, then the greatest gifts of God we receive are not the things of this world and life, but the gifts given here. That’s why this is often called worship, or better, the Divine Service. For here the Divine is serving us. Here God gives us the gifts we need the most: His Word, His forgiveness, His Body and Blood, His life and salvation. The gifts that give eternal life. The gifts that join us to our Saviour and set us free. This is number one.

Now maybe you disagree with me about that. I’m a pastor, after all, so I have to say that, right? But maybe I’m right. And maybe that little nagging voice in your head is telling you I’m right. That you’ve put other things first in your life, and so fear.

Saint Augustine, an early church theologian, preached it this way. He said: God does not merely give us what belongs to Him, rather He gives Himself to us . . . It is one thing for God to sacrifice what is His. It is entirely another for Him to sacrifice Himself for us. . . . You appear to yourself to be rich. Yet if you have not God, what do you have? And a poor man, if he has God, what does he not have?

God gives Himself to us. You know, really, that is what the Reformation was all about. Oh, they didn’t deny that at the time, but it wasn’t the focus. The focus, rather, was about us giving ourselves to God. But have you? Have you enough? Have you well enough? And with those questions, fear.

But God gives Himself to us. Jesus is Immanuel, God with us. The answer in Psalm 46 to all that causes us fear in this world, is this, at the end: The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. And what helps you when you are afraid? When someone is with you. And especially, someone who can do something about and help you with your fear.

Luther picked up on that, and so wrote his hymn A Mighty Fortress (LSB #656). And so over the years, some folks have thought that he was the angel in the reading from Revelation, proclaiming again this good news. And I will say: he was. But there are also others who thought this angel was Elijah - and I will say: they are right, too. He was. And this angel is Saint Augustine, John the Baptist, and all who preach the Gospel. All who point to Christ crucified and say: There is your judgment. There is your salvation. There is your hope. For there the Son of God has set your free. For He came and was Bound in Death’s Strong Bands (LSB #458) for you, and broke them. He is free, and so you are free.

So let me ask you again . . .

What is the worst thing in this world? What is the worst thing that could happen in this world? What do you fear the most in this world? 

Maybe your answer has changed, like it changed for Luther, who somehow became so bold to stand against both Pope and Emperor. That’s what the Word of God does. It takes away our fear. The Word preached to us, the Word crucified for us, the Word that washes us, and the Word fed to us. And the Word that is coming again for us. And when He does, no fear, just joy. No more death, just life. 

And until that day, you can live in joy and peace. Because A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.

In the Name of the Father, and of the (+) Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.